Hub news

NQCH goes to Quantum.Tech APAC
All star panel discussion at Quantum.Tech APAC 2023
Over 200 attendees from commercial enterprises, government, defense, venture capital and academia attended the first Quantum.Tech APAC conference, held 4-5 April 2023 in Singapore. NQCH team members were among them as audience and speakers. Some of our work was also exhibited at the booth of Singapore’s Quantum Engineering Programme, which supports the Hub and was a partner for this industry-focused summit.

Speaking in a panel on what roles the public sector can take to support the quantum technology industry, Mr Ling Keok Tong, Executive Director of the National Quantum Office, encapsulated Singapore’s quantum strategy in three Cs: to coordinate, concentrate, and provide connections. He referred to coordinating activities across Singapore’ quantum ecosystem, concentrating on areas where Singapore can be highly competitive, and connecting different stakeholders.