
Qibo: open-source middleware

For quantum computing and quantum simulation

Quantum computers need a sophisticated software stack to transform high-level code to physical actions on qubits. The Hub supports an open-source option called Qibo, which can also be used for quantum simulation. 

Qibo offers a language API to support programming on classical and quantum backends and application modules for specialised purposes.

Graphic of Qibo components

This video is a quick introduction to Qibo from our QuTalent team. For more, you can enrol in the full course “Quantum Computing with Qibo: Basic matters”.

For full details of Qibo, see Qibo’s own website at qibo.science


Qibo at NQCH

As part of the work of the National Quantum Computing Hub, experts in Singapore are participating in the development and testing of some of the Qibo modules. The team’s efforts so far have focused on the following applications:

A plugin for quantum chemistry simulations

For tensor network simulations on GPUs and multi-node CPUs, scaling to a larger number of qubits than exact simulations

For control of self-hosted quantum hardware, automating the implementation of quantum circuits 

Runs calibration routines for one and two qubits to characterise quantum hardware

A global project

Qibo is an international effort involving laboratories in universities and research institutions in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Hub experts are proud to be collaborators in this global network.

National Quantum Computing Hub (NQCH)

Australian National University

CERN Quantum Technology Initiative
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Università degli Studi di Milano Statale
Biccca Quantum Technologies (BiQuTe)
Sapienza Università di Roma

Freie Universität Berlin

Imperial College London

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC)

Technology Innovation Institute (TII)

Riken Centre for Computational Science (R-CCS)